Transcomp Mastering Quality Optical Compressor Unlike our first product ESE 2176uln which is based on the well known and respected UREI 1176, Transcomp results from our own research and development and is the only product of this topology on the market. The audio chain is a break through in analog studio equipment as it is using a proprietary current domain class A circuit without capacitors in circuit and without any form of negative feedback applied. Naturaly we did not overcome the input and output transformers which we still believe are the only means to perfectly balance and float an input or output. Gain reduction is performed by an optical element driven by a fast led which is used because of two good reasons: - first, the influence of optical devices regarding distortion in sound is negligible and In fact, it is even possible to enhance attacks which is many times desirable because of the loses in the recording chain, or for effect purposes. The side chain is another achievement to point. It is a feed forward type, the signal for detection is taken from the input. Most important is its unusual type of detection principle which closely emulate our hearing system and is one of the features that makes this compressor stay out of common. Features: -transformer balanced inputs and outputs with Lundahl transformers SPECIFICATIONS INPUT: floating, transformer isolated |